Blog with Liquid Peace
Information pertaining to wetsuit and rash guard products, water activity and exercise. Information important to understanding exercise and health, in and out of the water.
Standard Neoprene Versus Smooth Skin Neoprene

What does mm and the number in front of the wetsuit jacket mean?
Millimeter or the abbreviation, mm, is a unit of length. Pertaining to wetsuits it is actually the thickness of the wetsuit material. The number in front of the mm, millimeter , correlates to the actual thickness of neoprene for the wetsuit jacket, wetsuit vest, wetsuit pants or shorts. The higher the number the warmer the neoprene. However, the higher the number the less mobility of the neoprene.
What is the difference between a wetsuit, a rash guard, and thermal rash guard?
A wetsuit, wetsuit jacket, wetsuit pants etc.., is made of neoprene and nylon. The purpose of the neoprene and the properties it contains help create a warm layer of water between the skin and the wetsuit. The wetsuit must be very snug to help prevent too much water entering or flushing the wetsuit. A rash guard is made of nylon, polyester and spandex. The use of nylon and spandex create a garment that is lightweight, quick drying, flexible, durable, naturally antibacterial and water wicking. A rash guard is most often used to keep harmful sun rays from directly hitting the skin and protecting against rash from rubbing, for example, on a surfboard. Thermal, poly fleece lycra, rash guards add a lightweight layer of warmth whilst protecting the body from harmful sun rays and rash.