Men’s Wetsuit Jackets with Full Front Zippers in both long sleeve and short sleeve design provide warmth, comfort

The Men’s Wetsuit Jackets with Full Front Zippers, Short Sleeve
All Men’s Wetsuit Jackets with full front zippers in long sleeve and short sleeve design provide warmth, comfort and function in chilly water. Jackets with full front zippers are much easier to put on and take off. The Wetsuit Jackets should fit snug for optimal efficiency. Apply wax to the zippers to keep them zipping smoothly.
Wetsuit Jackets must be rinsed thoroughly with fresh water and washed with a mild non-toxic shampoo weekly to help increase the longevity. Flat air dry or place on a hanger to decrease creases and dry evenly.
mm, millimeter or millimetre, denotes the thickness of neoprene; the higher the number the warmer the jacket. A 2mm wetsuit jacket is warmer than 1mm wetsuit jacket and the neoprene is thicker and a bit heavier.
Liquid Peace Wetsuit Jackets are multi-purpose, high quality and priced at a low discount price. Perfect for water aerobics, water volleyball, snorkeling, scuba, surfing, pool rehab, in fact, any water activity requiring additional warmth.